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Spring Data Mongo - Custom AggregtionOption not working

I tried creating a Custom AggregationOperation based on When I used a custom aggregation in my aggregation for a lookup, it threw an exception saying the "as" field is not found on the entity.

If anybody has tried using custom AggregationOperation please share your code or let me know where I am going wrong.

Below is my code,

String lookup = "{ $lookup : { from: 'ITEM', localField : 'item_id', foreignField : '_id', as : 'item' } }";
TypedAggregation<Order> aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(Order.class, 
        new CustomAggregationOperation(lookup),
        unwind("item", false));

The exception: No property item found for type Order!


  • A TypedAggregation is a special Aggregation that holds information of the input aggregation type.

    That means that Spring will verify after each stage that your documents have not changed the structure.

    Since you are trying transform original document, you need to use a standard Aggregation.

    Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
        new CustomAggregationOperation(lookup),
        unwind("item", false)
    List<Order> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(Order.class), Order.class).getMappedResults();