I accidentally override .zshrc
. The file is now empty. Fyi, I still have one terminal (macos) which loaded its previous configuration. Is it possible to revert it back?
One possible solution to avoid future mistakes, if you are using vim with its proper undo settings you can get back in time:
" Reference: https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/53/7339
" Let's save undo info!
if !isdirectory($HOME."/.vim")
call mkdir($HOME."/.vim", "", 0770)
if !isdirectory($HOME."/.vim/undo-dir")
call mkdir($HOME."/.vim/undo-dir", "", 0700)
set undodir=~/.vim/undo-dir
set undofile
Then you can run the :earlier
command, like this:
:earlier 1d
For more about this run :h earlier
A second solution is to create a git repo with your "dotfiles" and then creating symlinks, like:
ln -sfvn ~/.dotfiles/zshrc ~/.zshrc