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Can you can define 'page_objects_path' directory which will read from all sub-folders without specifying them explicitly?

The project that I am currently working on, uses Selenium WebDriver Nightwatch and Cucumber.

The issue is that project's folder structure has changed and now 'page_objects_path' in 'nightwatch.conf.js' file looks something like this:

        "./componentTests/page-objects/xxxxx xxxx",
        "./endToEndTests/page-objects/xxxx xxxxx",

Is there any way, where Nightwatch can read all sub-folders from /page-objects/ directory without being explicitly specified in the array as separate paths?


  • I believe


    should be enough. The page class should have sub-classes called by the sub-folders of your structure. E.g. the method getTheCoolElement() from "./endToEndTests/page-objects/mainPage/SubPage.js" should be called like:

    See working example in owncloud phoenix project, that has a hierarchy of page objects:

    alternatively you could just create that array programmatically using JS. e.g.

    const fs = require('fs')
    // const path = require('path')
    const getAllFolders = function (dirPath, arrayOfFiles) {
      const files = fs.readdirSync(dirPath)
      arrayOfFiles = arrayOfFiles || []
      files.forEach(function (file) {
        if (fs.statSync(dirPath + '/' + file).isDirectory()) {
          arrayOfFiles = getAllFolders(dirPath + '/' + file, arrayOfFiles)
          arrayOfFiles.push(path.join(dirPath, '/', file))
      return arrayOfFiles
    let allPageObjectPath = getAllFolders(
      path.join(__dirname, '/componentTests/page-objects')
    allPageObjectPath = allPageObjectPath.concat(
      getAllFolders(path.join(__dirname, '/endToEndTests/page-objects'))
    module.exports = {
      page_objects_path: allPageObjectPath,