I used 'updateEntry' method of ActiveCartService for updating the entry of the Cart. After then 'updateEntry$' effect from the CartEntryEffects class was triggered that returned new action.
updateEntry$: Observable = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action: CartActions.CartUpdateEntry) => action.payload),
concatMap(payload =>
.update(payload.userId, payload.cartId, payload.entry, payload.qty)
// should be my logic with payload
map(() => {
return new CartActions.CartUpdateEntrySuccess({
userId: payload.userId,
cartId: payload.cartId,
Which is the proper way to get this payload? Or can I override this effect or add my logic to it?
It depends what you are trying to do with the payload.
If you want to process it before the details get updated into Commerce, then that is generally handled by connectors & adapters. See https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/connecting-to-other-systems/
If you want to reference the updated entry & display it, then you can get hold of an Observable via the ActiveCartService. See for example the AddToCart component (https://sap.github.io/spartacus/components/AddToCartComponent.html#source) which declares cartEntry$: Observable<OrderEntry>
and then in ngOnInit() does this.cartEntry$ = this.activeCartService.getEntry(this.productCode)