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Starting a new project with sbt-idea plugin

I am new to sbt and the sbt-idea plugin. I created a new project with the plugin and when opening the generated .idea file inside IntelliJ and compiling I am getting that "please specify compiler in Scala facet". When looking on the scala compiler facet all I see is "buildScala" in red.

Since I saw many here are using the plugin, can you explain the steps you took to correct this?


  • I have this problem when I use the sbt-idea processor, and then import the module into an existing IDEA project. However, when I open the project created by sbt-idea I do not have the problem.

    I have not been able to fix the red buildScala problem with imported modules. I suspect it would require tomfoolery in the project files, as I can't find config options to correct it via the GUI.

    Personally, I always install sbt-idea as a processor in every new SBT install I make. (See "Usage as processor" in the previous link). Then the correct way to generate project files is simply sbt idea.

    Can you clarify exactly the steps you followed that led to the error?