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Novice C programmer having trouble with strings & malloc

I'm starting off in C programming, and I'm currently studying structures and using pointers to work with them. I've been trying to write a simple program which stores your personal details (name and birthday) for practice, but I've been having trouble with memory allocation and I'm clearly missing something - so I tried something simpler, and apparently I'm having trouble with allocating memory for the string. I've tried my best at debugging this, but I've no clue what's wrong.

int main()
    char DummyString[100];
    printf("Enter a string to be read back to you: ");
    printf("The string is: %s\n",DummyString);
    printf("String length is %d\n",strlen(DummyString));
    printf("sizeof char is %i\n",sizeof(char*));
    // char DumbStringPtr=&DumbString;
    char *DummyStringPtr = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char))*(strlen(DummyString)+1)); // returns 8 regardless of anything
    printf("The size of the pointer would be %d\n", sizeof(DummyStringPtr));

In the original program, the failure was after trying to copy a string into the allocated pointer, which I'm assuming is due to shortage of memory (will show code if necessary). I feel like I've missed something fundamental and so would appreciate any feedback. I'd really appreciate it if someone can give me a lead on my mistake. Thanks!


    • scanf("%s",&DummyString); is wrong. Since DummyString is an array, you get a pointer to its first element when you use it in an expression, and that's what scanf expects. Change to scanf("%s",DummyString);.
    • The malloc line is needlessly bloated, simply do
      char *DummyStringPtr = malloc(strlen(DummyString)+1));
    • The size of the pointer is always 4 (or 8 etc) regardless of where it points. sizeof will not tell you how much memory you have allocated. You have to keep track of this yourself, in a separate size variable if needed.
    • Correct printf conversion specifier for the result of sizeof is %zu since sizeof returns type size_t. Quick & dirty version for newbies is to use printf("%d", (int)sizeof(something));
    • Always free(DummyStringPtr);.