My add like function looks like this (kotlin)
private fun addLike(user: String, token: String, activityID: String) {
val client = CloudClient.builder(API_KEY, token, user).build()
val like = Reaction.Builder().kind("like").activityID(activityID).build()
client.reactions().add(user, like).join()
and the read is:
private fun getActivitiesForTeam(user: String, token: String, team: String): List<EnrichedActivity> {
val client = CloudClient.builder(API_KEY, token, user).build()
return client.flatFeed(team, "messages")
.getEnrichedActivities(Limit(25), EnrichmentFlags().withOwnReactions().withRecentReactions().withReactionCounts()).join()
When I got the latest_reactions_extra field this will be:
latest_reactions_extra {} // I think this will be the empty
latest_reactions_extra {like: {next: }} //this is the not empty? But why is it nullstring?
So how can I get the like count and the users who liked?
Also how can I delete that like? I got nothing like a 'reactionID' but the docs says it will be something called reactionID
private fun addLike(user: String, token: String, activityID: String) {
val client = CloudClient.builder(API_KEY, token, user).build()
val like = Reaction.Builder().kind("like").activityID(activityID).userID(user).build()
client.reactions().add(user, like).get()
when I modified the addLike function to this, I got this:
latest_reactions_extra {like: {next:}}
What is this?
OK it looks like fasterxml ObjectMapper just erased/killed my reactions field, so I had to create the json string in an other way...:/
OK it looks like fasterxml ObjectMapper just erased/killed my reactions field, so I had to create the json string in an other way...:/