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how to do avg pool on the output of bert model for each sentence?

for classification, we usually use [CLS] to predict labels. but now i have another request to do avg-pooling on the output of each sentence in bert model. it seems a little bit hard for me? sentence is split by [SEP] but lengh of each sentence in each sample of a batch is not equal, so tf.split is not fit for this problem?

an example as follows(batch_size=2), how to get the avg-pooling of each sentences?

[CLS] w1 w2 w3 [sep] w4 w5 [sep]

[CLS] x1 x2 [sep] x3 w4 x5 [sep]


  • You can get the averages by masking.

    If you call encode_plus on the tokenizer and set return_token_type_ids to True, you will get a dictionary that contains:

    • 'input_ids': token indices that you pass into your model
    • 'token_type_ids': a list of 0s and 1s that says which token belongs to which input sentence.

    Assuming you batched the token_type_ids, such that 0s are the first sentence, 1s are the second sentence and padding is something else (like -1) in a tensor in variable mask with shape batch × length, and you have the BERT output in a tensor in variable output of shape batch × length × 768, you can do:

    first_sent_mask  = tf.cast(mask == 0, tf.float32)
    first_sent_lens = tf.reduce_sum(first_sent_mask, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    first_sent_mean = (
        tf.reduce_sum(output * tf.expand_dims(first_sent_mask, 2)) /
    second_sent_mask = tf.cast(mask == 1, tf.float32)