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SpringBoot, test containers to test queries sent to external DB

My Spring app has its own DB for persistence. The same app needs to send ad-hoc queries to external databases. Queries are provided by users.

  • App takes SQL query provided by user
  • App takes external database type (postgres / oracle / whatever jdbc)
  • App submits adhoc query in runtime to external DB
  • App returns result as json to user

Is there any way to utilize spring test containers in order to test this functionaly? My goal is:

  • Write tests for every supported DB
  • each test starts test container with supported DB (some subset of these I suppose:
  • each test uploads sample data to container DB
  • each test runs set of "must work" queries against it.

I see many examples where App itself is tested against test containers, but can I just start container w/o plugging it as App persistence DB?


  • can I just start container w/o plugging it as App persistence DB?

    Yes, this is perfectly possible. Testcontainers in itself has nothing to do with Spring or Spring Boot.

    What you would do is:

    • pick the container you want to use (different container for different databases
    • instantiate the container
    • start it up
    • construct a DataSource from it
    • Use that DataSource for your tests.

    Spring Data JDBC does exactly that to run tests against various databases. I add the class doing that for MySQL in the end. It is a Spring application context configuration, but you could put that in a JUnit before method, a JUnit 4 rule or a JUnit 5 extension or just a normal method that you call at the start of your test.

    class MySqlDataSourceConfiguration extends DataSourceConfiguration {
        private static final MySQLContainer MYSQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer().withConfigurationOverride("");
        static {
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        protected DataSource createDataSource() {
            MysqlDataSource dataSource = new MysqlDataSource();
            return dataSource;
        public void initDatabase() throws SQLException, ScriptException {
            ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(createDataSource().getConnection(), null, "DROP DATABASE test;CREATE DATABASE test;");