Currently using the flutter video_player
plugin stream video from the given link. Issue is that I had to hide the normal video interactive interface so that user can't skip the video. Now most of the work is done, just need to know how to display duration
and current position
of the video been played.
gives me the duration
part, and videoController.value.position
gives the position. But how to keep updating the results for the
position` section?
void checkTimer(){
if(playerController.value.position == playerController.value.duration){
setState(() {
Duration duration = Duration(milliseconds: playerController?.value?.position?.inMilliseconds?.round());
nowTime = [duration.inHours, duration.inMinutes, duration.inSeconds]
.map((seg) => seg.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0'))
above code was created to update the time as needed. but now the issue is how to update time. should I use setState()
or something else, because the above code is not working for me.
Video is not loaded where then screen is loaded. It's loaded when then users click the play button. so till that time, we don't even have a duration
value as data is still on the wayt.
How about using ValueListenableBuilder ?
It will listen to the controller's value and update it every time the value changes.
here's the sample :
valueListenable: playerController,
builder: (context, VideoPlayerValue value, child) {
//Do Something with the value.
return Text(value.position.toString());