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Azure Linux Zip Deploy not working : Azure Functions App

I am trying to deploy Funtions app on Linux server on Azure.

I tried POC two days ago and I deployed it on Linux server and It was working fine. Zip file size was around 3.5 MB.

Then I added more code and packages and now the Zip file is sized at around 15 MB.

I am trying VS 2019 "Publish" to deploy this code to Azure but I am not getting any luck there. The same settings were working fine when I first created POC and deployed my code couple of times.

Here is the error I am getting,

Error message from VS

The file with logs also contains almost the same thing, they were unable to determine the cause of the error.

  1. Does anyone else is facing this issue during covid19?
  2. The code was working fine on the local machine but on Windows. Is it possible that there are Linux related errors in code?
  3. Also, the DeployUI is getting a timeout just loading. What could be the possible fix for this?!

Thanks, Kiran.


  • 1.I encountered the same issue when I deploy the linux function via vs2019, my issue is that I didn't set the Azure storage connection string.

            public static void Run([BlobTrigger("samples-workitems/{name}", Connection = "")]Stream myBlob, string name, ILogger log)
                log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes");

    2.This error message is not useful to identify the issue. You can go to Azure portal to see if there is any error message there.

    3.The ZipDeployUI endpoint is https://<app_name>, it doesn't work for Linux App Service at this time.

    enter image description here


    Troubleshoot error: "Azure Functions Runtime is unreachable"