I'm super new to node and coding in general so please forgive me. I am trying to use weld scraping service, but I am using npm. To run, it says to use a yarn command: yarn dev # development
. Is there a way I can run the same command with npm? I tried npm install dev # development
, but it threw an error for the #
. I tried downloading the contents of the repository first and then running, and got the same result. I tried researching what #
means in yarn, or in terminal, and the only thing I found is in a shell script it shows that you are the superuser?
First of all Yarn is a package manager created by Facebook as an alternative to npm. It looks like the package you are trying to install can not be installed with npm. "npm install dev # development" will not work because it is not the format used by npm when you are trying to install some package. If the objective is to scrape a web site I recommend you to use some other popular npm packages as axios cheerio. You can use "npm install axios cheerio" to use them.