In Swift, is it possible to enumerate a sequence starting at 1?
In my case, I'm using the SQLite C interface to bind values to prepared statements. The second argument of the sqlite3_bind_*()
routines is the index of the SQL parameter to be set. The indices start at 1. (Ie, they're one-based.)
I could use Sequence.enumerated()
and just add 1 to n
inside each iteration, like so:
for (n, value) in values.enumerated() {
sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, Int32(n)+1, value)
But is there a way to start n
from 1?
No, all collections indices in Swift are zero based but if you really want you can create your own custom enumeration zipping a range of Int32 values and the source collection:
extension Collection {
var enumerated: Zip2Sequence<PartialRangeFrom<Int32>, Self> { zip(1..., self) }
let values: [Int32] = [10, 20, 30]
for (n, value) in values.enumerated {
print("value:", value, "at:", n)
This will print
value: 10 at: 1
value: 20 at: 2
value: 30 at: 3