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React-app not working in Internet Explorer 11

I have a react app and I need it to work in Internet Explorer 11. I use Material-UI and some others tiny libraries. Right now, I just can see a blank page. I tried the next solutions (without success):

  1. I added react-app-polyfill for ie11 as my first lines in index.js:

    import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11'; import 'react-app-polyfill/stable';

  2. In my package.json I added Internet Explorer 11:

        "production": [
          "not dead",
          "not op_mini all",
          "ie 11"
        "development": [
          "not dead",
          "not op_mini all",
          "ie 11"

And I have the next errors (Translated from spanish):

Access to property "caller" from a function or object is not allowed in strict mode.

The object doesn't accept the property or function "repeat"

Could somebody more experiencied with this topic help me? Thanks!


  • I use react-easy-state to manage the global state of the application. As the documentation says, it is not compatible with Internet Explorer. I removed the library and it worked.