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TYPO3 9 - site definition on subpage

i have the following page tree:

root (1)
   Home (2)
     firstpage (3)
     secondpage (4)

etc. Home is my startpage, which i made to Root Page in Tab Behavior.

I defined a site for Home [ID:2] (Domain, language etc) but not for root (1). root is my container page for templates - this should become a multi domain setup.

But this setup seems not to work anymore. The site configuration demands a configuration for root [ID 1] and in the frontend I get a "page not found" error.

When i change my setup and define a site configuration for root [ID:1] instead of Home [ID:2] all works as expected. Is this approach with a root page for template inheritance not possible anymore in TYPO3 9? Or do i miss something?



  • It is true that site configuration can only be applied to a page on the root level.

    Instead of inheriting templates, you can just include them where needed.

    templates (5)
    Home (2) (include template here from 5)
      firstpage (3)
      secondpage (4)
    nextsite(6) (include template here from 5)
      firstpage (7)