Given "diamonds" dataset in tidyverse, and filtering it as per ch.7 in "R for Data Science":
smaller <- diamonds %>% filter(carat < 3)
I expect
ggplot(data = smaller, mapping = aes(x = carat, y = price)) +
+ geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(group = cut_width(carat, 0.1)))
to return price vs carat (binned), but instead see this returned.
Why is this? Is it because of a change in ggplot2, or is it another reason?
Yes. With the release of ggplot2 3.3.0
bi-directional geoms and stats have been introduced, which also result in a kind of direction determination by ggplot2
. See here:
For this reason you have to add orientation=x
to get the plot from R4DS:
smaller <- diamonds %>% filter(carat < 3)
ggplot(data = smaller, mapping = aes(x = carat, y = price)) +
geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(group = cut_width(carat, 0.1)), orientation = "x")
Created on 2020-04-13 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)