I'm looking at the example of the magrittr tee pipe %T>% in the documentation, but I'm not immediately grasping what it's doing. Can someone show what the equivalent code is without the tee pipe?
rnorm(200) %>%
matrix(ncol = 2) %T>%
plot %>% # plot usually does not return anything.
is presumably named after the T-shaped pipe splitter used in plumbing.
We can replace %T>%
with %>%
if we replace the plot
line in the question with the plot
line shown below (and marked with a double hash). This plots its input and then forwards the input to the output so that the pipeline can be continued.
rnorm(200) %>%
matrix(ncol = 2) %>%
{ plot(.); . } %>% ##
Thus the processing follows this graph:
rnorm --> matrix --T--> colSums