I've been working on a flutter web app recently using firebase hosting, and it was working fine until last night. Specifically, the site loads but the interface does not react to user input only on iphone iOS. (i.e. it works properly on ios ipad)
I tried a variety of things to figure out where the problem lies:
The easiest way I could recreate this is by creating the following website using the default app created by "flutter create", then performing firebase init, creating a project and then deploying the site. Here it is: hostingweirdness.firebaseapp.com also hostingweirdness.web.app
What I'm seeing is that the site works perfectly for:
However, the blue "+" button is unresponsive for:
I'd also like to note that I'm able to see the same thing using the iphone simulator for Xcode: works for iphone, not for ipad.
Could you test those sites with your devices and see if you're getting the same thing? Any ideas what it might be, or other ideas for troubleshooting? Any ideas who I can contact to submit a bug report? I'm leaning towards a flutter issue since it's in beta, but changing the channel made no difference, and the fact that it happened all of a sudden makes me think that there could be other culprits.
This was, indeed, a bug. It's been addressed as of April 13th per this issue here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/54269
and they merged the code into flutter here: https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/17595