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How to generate a different debug sha1-key

I have a sha1 Key for debug that I get from signinreports inside android studio. Now, I have this key in multiple Firebase projects, and I would like to generate another debug key for this project.

How can I generate another debug key for an existing project and assign it to that project ?

I have tried with

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

But is outputting the same debugkey as the other projects


  • Step 1) Go to File > Project Structure > select project > go to "signing" and select your default or any keystore you want and fill all the details. In case you are not able to fill the details, hit the green '+' button.

    Step 2) VERY IMPORTANT: Goto Build Types> select your build type and select your "Signing Config".

    Another solution: you can move (move to a backup folder) keys from this directory then build your project (Android studio will create new key):

    • For Windows User: C:\Users\\debug.keystore (Change USERNAME as your pc name)
    • For Linux or Mac OS User: ~/.android/debug.keystore