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Python unittest: Unable to mock imported functions so that conditional evaluates to False

I'm encountering a problem with unit testing in Python. Specifically, when I try to mock a function my code imports, variables assigned to the output of that function get assigned to a MagicMock object instead of the mock-function's return_value. I've been digging through the docs for python's unittest library, but am not having any luck.

The following is the code I want to test:

from production_class import function_A, function_B, function_M

class MyClass:
    def do_something(self):
        variable = functionB()
        if variable:

this is what I've tried:

@mock.patch(<other dependencies in MyClass>)
def test_do_something(self, functionB_mock):
    functionB_mock.return_value = None # or False, or 'foo' or whatever.
    myClass = MyClass()

The issue I have is that when the test gets to variable = functionB in MyClass, the variable doesn't get set to my return value; it gets set to a MagicMock object (and so the if-statement always evaluates to True). How do I mock an imported function such that when executed, variables actually get set to the return value and not the MagicMock object itself?


  • What I wound up doing was changing the import statements in MyClass to import the object instead of the individual methods. I was then able to mock the object without any trouble.

    More explicitly I changed MyClass to look like this:

    import production_class as production_class
    class MyClass:
        def do_something(self):
            variable = production_class.functionB()
            if variable:

    and changed my test to

    def test_do_something(self, prod_class_mock):
        prod_class_mock.functionB.return_value = None
        myClass = MyClass()