date = '9/4/2020'.
Now on excel I converted using the format TEXT(date,'YYYYMMDD'), how do I replicate the same in python?
I tried using the datetime function
d = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d')
but I get the value error
ValueError: time data '9/4/2020' does not match format '%Y%m%d'
how do I fix this?
In Python this is called strptime
(string parse time, ie get time object from a string) and strftime
(string from time, get a string representation from a time object - the reverse process).
The various time symbols are listed in the Python dcoumentation here. You need to describe the way the time is formatted exactly, including the separators (such as /
or -
). In between, you denote year, month,day, etc. according to the code in the docs. So in your case:
d = datetime.strptime(date, '%d/%M/%Y')
Would get you the time object, and then you could use
print(datetime.strftime(d, '%Y%M%d'))
to get the new one.
Or in one line:
d = strftime(strptime('9/4/2020', '%d/%M/%Y'), '%Y%M%d')
should work. (Assuming day comes first.)