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C# 'Object reference not set' error when working with lists within a class

This one will be very easy for you pros - but I've now wasted hours on it myself. Here's a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:

(1) I have an 'Employment' class which can store 3 strings [EmployerName], [JobTitle] and [PeriodOfEmployment]. I am successfully able to create an instance of Employment and populate it with example entries.

(2) I want to populate a wrapper class called 'CurriculumVitae' which contains a [PersonName] string plus a List variable containing all Employments ever held by the person. I want to use a loop to add instances of Employment to the instance of CurriculumVitae, so that the CurriculumVitae class ends up holding a person's full job history in its EmploymentsList.

(3) In Visual Studio am getting the error message:

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
CurriculumVitae.EmploymentsList.get returned null.'.

My simplified code is:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CurriculumVitaeExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var CurriculumVitae = new CurriculumVitae();

My Employment class looks like this:

public class Employment
    public string EmployerName { get; set; }
    public string JobTitle { get; set; }
    public string PeriodOfEmployment { get; set; }

My CurriculumVitae class tries to make use of the Employment class in a List, like this:

public class CurriculumVitae //(version 1)
    public string PersonName { get; set; }
    public List<Employment> EmploymentsList { get; set; }

    // Open method:
    public void Open()
        Employment Employment = new Employment();

        Employment.EmployerName = "McDonalds";
        Employment.JobTitle = "Ice Cream Guru";
        Employment.PeriodOfEmployment = "Jan 2019 - Present";



I also tried adding a constructor for the EmploymentsList within the CurriculumVitae class but it didn't help:

public class CurriculumVitae //(version 2)
        // Constructor:
        public CurriculumVitae()
            List<Employment> EmploymentsList = new List<Employment>();


  • Change the name of CurriculumVitae variable to curriculumVitae

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var curriculumVitae = new CurriculumVitae();

    and Employment to employment

    public void Open()
        Employment employment = new Employment();
        employment.EmployerName = "McDonalds";
        employment.JobTitle = "Ice Cream Guru";
        employment.PeriodOfEmployment = "Jan 2019 - Present";

    And finally you must initialize EmploymentsList like this in version1

    public List<Employment> EmploymentsList { get; set; } = new List<Employment>();

    or in constructor in version2

    public CurriculumVitae()
        this.EmploymentsList = new List<Employment>();