- blog.proto
i have a directory like that on my project blogpb
is the directory where i create .proto
file to dart
when i run this command:
protoc -I=. --dart_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/blogpb/blog.proto
// got : Could not make proto path relative: /blogpb/blog.proto: No such file or directory
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/generated -Iprotos greet/greetpb/greet.proto
// got : protos: warning: directory does not exist.
// Could not make proto path relative: greet/greetpb/greet.proto: No such file or directory
what is the wrong command above ? and how to create the generated
into dart
directory for this?
I could make it work that I must create directory lib/src/generated
and change the command to
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/generated -Iblogpb blogpb/blog.proto
meant what the directory of our *.proto
if you want myprotos
, you can change -Iblogpb
to -Imyprotos