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Deleting a word in column based on frequencies

I have a NLP project where I would like to remove the words that appear only once in the keywords. That is to say, for each row I have a list of keywords and their frequencies.

I would like something like

if the frequency for the word in the whole column ['keywords'] ==1 then replace by "". 

I cannot test word by word. So my idea was creating a list with all the words and remove the duplicates, then for each word in this list count.sum and then delete. But I have no idea how to do that. Any ideas? Thanks!

Here's how my data looks like:


    ID  keywords                                            age sex
0   1   fibre:16;quoi:1;dangers:1;combien:1;hightech:1...   62  F
1   2   restaurant:1;marrakech.shtml:1  35  M
2   3   payer:1;faq:1;taxe:1;habitation:1;macron:1;qui...   45  F
3   4   rigaud:3;laurent:3;photo:11;profile:8;photopro...   46  F


  • To add on to what @jpl mentioned with scikit-learn's CountVectorizer, there exists an option min_df that does exactly what you want, provided you can get your data in the right format. Here's an example:

    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
    # assuming you want the token to appear in >= 2 documents
    vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=2)
    documents = ['hello there', 'hello']
    X = vectorizer.fit_transform(documents)

    This gives you:

    # Notice the dimensions of our array – 2 documents by 1 token
    >>> X.shape
    (2, 1)
    # Here is a count of how many times the tokens meeting the inclusion
    # criteria are observed in each document (as you see, "hello" is seen once
    # in each document
    >>> X.toarray()
    # this is the entire vocabulary our vectorizer knows – see how "there" is excluded?
    >>> vectorizer.vocabulary_
    {'hello': 0}