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HBase client - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProviderTokenIssuer

I'm trying to run a legacy project that connects to HBase.

It has (among other dependencies):


When the application starts and reaches this code within the method of createConnection in the class of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory:

    return (Connection) constructor.newInstance(conf, managed, pool, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw new IOException(e);

An exception is thrown and caught, saying that:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/crypto/key/KeyProviderTokenIssuer

So I was looking for this class of KeyProviderTokenIssuer in Google but didn't find where it should come from.

Why the system is trying to use this class and where should I get it from? Crypto package is not part of the hbase-client dependency and I don't see such in

Is it possible that there is some library mismatch here?

I'm running on Windows. Can it be related?


  • I was able to overcome this issue after performing several steps:

    • Following this post , I downloaded the file of and fully extracted it to the folder of C:\Program Files\apache\hadoop\bin

    • I added the HADOOP_HOME param to the system variables, pointing it to C:\Program Files\apache\hadoop

    • I added to the PATH variable the value of %HADOOP_HOME%\bin

    • Since my Hadoop is version 2.6.0 I checked and made sure that all Hadoop related dependencies are in that version.

    • I run mvn dependency:tree and found that one of the dependencies jars is bringing with it the jar of org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs-client:jar:3.2.0 so I excluded it from the dependency:


    Some URLs that helped me: