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Plotly: Separate plots appearing in one graph

I would like to separate plots that are appearing on final graph. I have data on hospitals and thats why I want to separate so that I have individual hospital graph. Each hospital to have its own separate graph. Here is my working code

# imports
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.offline import iplot
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# intialise data of lists. 
data = {'Name':['Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital','Nick hospital', 'Krish hospital', 'Krish hospital','Krish hospital'], 
        'NAR_forms_used':[2, 1,2, 2, 2,3]

# Create DataFrame 
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# get counts per NAR type
df_nar=df_nar.rename({'NAR_forms_used': 'NAR count'}, axis='columns')

# Manage NAR types (who knows, there may be more types with time?)
nars = df_nar['NAR_forms_used'].unique()
nars = nars.tolist()

# set up plotly figure
fig = go.Figure()

# add one trace per NAR type and show counts per hospital
for nar in nars:

    # subset dataframe by NAR type

    # add trace
    fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=df_ply['Name'], y=df_ply['NAR count'], name='NAR Type='+str(nar)))

# make the figure a bit more presentable

fig.update_layout(title='NAR per hospital',
                  yaxis=dict(title='<i>count of NAR types</i>'),

if you notice the final graph has all hospitals in one graph but I want to separate them and have each hospitals graph separate so that I can add on a dashboard using a drop down selection of a hospital. Kindly assist me separate this graph output in that Nick Hospital to have its own graph and that is same to Krish hospital


  • import plotly.graph_objects as go
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital', 'Nick hospital',
                       'Krish hospital', 'Krish hospital', 'Krish hospital','Krish hospital', 'Krish hospital', 'Krish hospital'],
                       'NAR_forms_used': [2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1]})
    df_nar = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby('Name')['NAR_forms_used'].value_counts())
    df_nar = df_nar.rename({'NAR_forms_used': 'NAR count'}, axis='columns')
    df_nar = df_nar.reset_index()
    nars = df_nar['NAR_forms_used'].unique()
    nars = nars.tolist()
    # Nick hospital
    fig1 = go.Figure()
    for nar in nars:
        df_ply = df_nar[(df_nar['NAR_forms_used'] == nar) & (df_nar['Name'] == 'Nick hospital')]
        fig1.add_trace(go.Bar(y=df_ply['NAR count'], x=['NAR Type=' + str(nar)]))
    fig1.update_layout(title='Nick hospital', showlegend=False, yaxis=dict(title='<i>count of NAR types</i>'))
    # Krish hospital
    fig2 = go.Figure()
    for nar in nars:
        df_ply = df_nar[(df_nar['NAR_forms_used'] == nar) & (df_nar['Name'] == 'Krish hospital')]
        fig2.add_trace(go.Bar(y=df_ply['NAR count'], x=['NAR Type=' + str(nar)]))
    fig2.update_layout(title='Krish hospital', showlegend=False, yaxis=dict(title='<i>count of NAR types</i>'))