I am trying to build an application which will "check out" a cell, which is a square covering a part of land in a geographic database, and perform an analysis of the features within that cell. Since I have many cells to process, I am using a multiprocessing approach.
I had it somewhat working inside of my object like this:
class DistributedGeographicConstraintProcessor:
def _process_cell(self, conn_string):
conn = pg2.connect(conn_string)
cur = conn.cursor()
cell_id = self._check_out_cell(cur)
print(f"processing cell_id {cell_id}...")
for constraint in self.constraints:
# print(f"processing {constraint.name()}...")
query = constraint.prepare_distributed_query(self.job, self.grid)
cur.execute(query, {
"buffer": constraint.buffer(),
"cell_id": cell_id,
"name": constraint.name(),
"simplify_tolerance": constraint.simplify_tolerance()
# TODO: do a final race condition check to further suppress duplicates
self._check_in_cell(cur, cell_id)
del cur
return None
def run(self):
while True:
if not self._job_finished():
params = [self.conn_string] * self.num_cores
processes = []
for param in params:
process = mp.Process(target=self._process_cell, args=(param,))
sleep(0.1) # Prevent multiple processes from checkout out the same grid square
for process in processes:
But the problem is that it will only start four processes and wait until they all finish before starting four new processes.
I want to make it so when one process finishes its work, it will begin working on the next cell immediately, even if its co-processes are not yet finished.
I am unsure about how to implement this and I have tried using a pool like this:
def run(self):
pool = mp.Pool(self.num_cores)
unprocessed_cells = self._unprocessed_cells()
for i in pool.imap(self._process_cell, unprocessed_cells):
But this just tells me that the connection is not able to be pickled:
TypeError: can't pickle psycopg2.extensions.connection objects
But I do not understand why, because it is the exact same function that I am using in the imap
function as in the Process
I have already looked at these threads, here is why they do not answer my question:
instances, with the same function with the same inputs.My guess is that you're attaching some connection object to self
; try to rewrite your solution using functions only (no classes/methods).
Here is a simplified version of a single producer/multiple workers solution I used some time ago:
def worker(param):
//connect to pg
//do work
def main():
pool = Pool(processes=NUM_PROC)
tasks = []
for param in params:
t = pool.apply_async(utils.process_month, args=(param, ))
finished = false
while not finished:
finished = True
for t in tasks:
if not t.ready():
finished = False