I am using the REST api from fxcmpy to connect to my fxcmpy account. Since the upgrade to version 1.2.6, I have issues with reconnection when I am accidentally deconnected from the server.
I detect deconnection through the command
where disconnect is my callback function where I reconnect :
def disconnect():
while not FLAG:
try :
print('be patient')
Since the new version I get either a "ServerError: Can not connect to FXCM Server." or a "packet queue is empty, Aborting" message.
If I restart my python console, I can restart my script until the next disconnection. I tried this on Windows 10, Raspbian and android : same issue in all the cases.
I have updated both python-socketio and python-engineio to their latest version : no change.
I am looking for a way of restarting the client when I have disconnection issues. Does someone have the same issue / a clue to solve it ?
it took me a while, but I finally found a workaround. The idea is to reset completely the fxcmpy librairy : remove it and then import it again.
Here is how I do that (code is still not optimized, you can improve it but the idea is here) :
while not FLAG: try : import sys a_del=[] for module in sys.modules.keys(): if 'fxcm' in module: a_del.append(module) for module in a_del: del sys.modules[module] del fxcmpy except: print('error in reinitialization') try: del api except: print('could not delete api') try : import fxcmpy api=fxcmpy.fxcmpy(access_token=API_ACCESS_TOKEN,log_level='error',server='demo') api.subscribe_market_data(symbol,(automated_strategy,)) FLAG=True except: print('try again') time.sleep(10) FLAG=False
this should do it (adapt of course your api object name and automated strategy function name).