I am trying to save array list of value in flask using form data.This is how i am sending list data from frontend
saveProjectDesign = () => {
var data = new FormData();
data.append('styleCheckedList', this.state.styleCheckedList);
axios.post(this.state.apiUrl+'/api/v1/project/project/projectdesignsave', data, config)
.then((response) => {
if (response.data.status === "success") {
openCustomNotifierSnackbar({ message: response.data.message, duration:3000, notifyType: 'success' });
if (response.data.status === "failed") {
openCustomNotifierSnackbar({ message: response.data.message, duration:3000, notifyType: 'error' });
.catch( (err)=> { console.log(err); });
here is the list data in styleCheckedList i am sending from frontend:
0: {styleId: "1"}
1: {styleId: "2"}
2: {styleId: "3"}
This is how tried to retrieve the value ins flask:
styleListChecked = request.form.getlist("styleCheckedList")
But the value is printed in backend like this:
['[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]', '[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]']
what am i doing wrong here?
Here's the issue: FormData
's append
method expects a string, not an array, not an object, but a string. When you passed in that array, JavaScript automatically called .toString()
on it and got that ugly result with a toString
of each element separated by commas. If you want to send an array, you need to append each element individually, as if it were from a POST from an HTML form
for (let element of this.state.styleCheckedList) {
data.append('styleCheckedList[]', element);
This treats each element as part of the array styledCheckedList
. You would be done, but there's another problem. Now you're appending objects, not strings to the FormData
, and that will just give you an array of '[object Object]'
on server side. This is where it gets tricky.
It's not possible to send complex JavaScript objects through FormData
. You'll have to either a) encode it in JSON with JSON.stringify()
and decode on the server or b) if you only have the styleId
key in each object, send just element.styleId
If you don't care for any of this, JSON.stringify()
the entire object in your current code and JSON.loads()
on the server.
Good luck!