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Angular app running localhost calling dotnet app on different port gets no-referrer-when-downgrade. Due to withCredentials?

I setup a new Angular app with Angular CLI and it runs on http://localhost:4200 I call webservices that I develop with dotnet core which runs on http://localhost:5000

I allowed CORS for the localhost setup. I am sure it worked in the past but now I get a


error message in chrome.

It somehow has to do with withCredentials: true If I put false then it works fine.

How can I pass credentials on http calls to a different port on the same localhost domain?


  • It turned out it was no no-referrer-when-downgrade issue but a CORS issue. I was missing the AllowCredentials() in the CORS policy

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // add cors
            services.AddCors(options =>
                options.AddPolicy(name: "MyCorsPolicy",
                    builder => builder.SetIsOriginAllowed(s => s.Contains("localhost"))