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Split a dataframe into two but knowing already one

I have a dataframe with one column called "label", which represents a binary feature [0,1]. The dataframe is imbalanced, with more labels 0 than 1s, therefore, to build a good estimator, I want to split the data into training and testing subsets, where the training subset has to be well balanced. I could try using resample algorithms like SMOTE or others; how ever, I decided to go with the following stratergy:

Select all those rows of dataframe with the label 1 and make from that a random subselection with the 80%, like:

train_class1=dataframe[dataframe["label"]==1].iloc[np.random.randint(0, len(dataframe[dataframe["label"]==1]), len(dataframe[dataframe["label"]==1])*80//100)]

Then, from the rows with label 0, I did a random subselection of the same size as train_class1 and I called it train_class0, like:

train_class0=dataframe[dataframe["label"]==0].iloc[np.random.randint(0, len(dataframe[dataframe["label"]==0]), len(dataframe[dataframe["label"]==1])*80//100)]

So I was planning to concatenate by rows both dataframes to be my training subsample:


Now, as testing subsample I want it to be the rest of the initial dataframe, this is: all those rows of dataframe that don't belong to train_class. I tried the following:

test_class =pd.concat([dataframe, train_class]).drop_duplicates()

to concatenate the initial dataframe with train_class and remove the duplicate rows.

However this looks normal (at least to me at this point), when I check the shapes of dataframe, train_class and test_class, I get:

dataframe.shape=(257673, 208)

train_class.shape=(263476, 208)

test_class.shape=(257673, 208)

which is obviously contradictory.

What I am doing wrong in the code?


  • I actually solved the problem...

    It was in the definition of train_class1 and train_class0, that I changed to:


    by using the built-in pandas function df.sample().