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Delphi: executing SQL queries on MemTable or other type of Dataset

I am using Firedac to create SQL Lite connection on a local .db file. I am using:

  • TFDConnection: to create the connection object
  • TFDQuery: to execute my SQLite queries.

What I want is copy all data or tables from my SQLite database file on memory and then execute SQL queries on it.

I've read that I can use mMemTable or other datasets but all information regarding this is more confusing than helping me out.

I want to achieve this because I have to run "heavy" queries (thousands of queries inside a for-loop) but without sacrificing so much speed and resources. Currently I have 5"SELECT * ....") inside a very big loop, making my code very slow. I suppose this derives from many stuff.

If I have a copy of my SQLite data on memory and then run queries on that dataset, it would increase my code speed drastically.

I have implemented this on another part of my code, where I used limited amount of data taken from SQLite file inside sorted lists, and then I iterated over my lists. Performance increased over 300% after replacing inside that big loop.

I cannot use the same method as mentioned above, because I want to run SQL queries from my "SQL in Memory" to fetch specific data with complex criteria.

So anyone can help me out with the above issue? Maybe a small and "clear" tutorial regarding this?

It seems that my question is still not answered. I will try to be more specific with another example of code in order to understand the situation. I am still trying to achieve what I was telling above. I want to copy data from my SQLite database on memory, DISCONNECT and then run SQLite queries on in memory database. It is supposed to work with TFDQuery, TFDLocalSQL, TFDConnection.

I am creating and fetching data from SQL file using "conn" connection and "query". Then I activate

   // connection with local SQL file to fetch data from
   query.Connection := conn;
   query.Open('SELECT * FROM CAMPAIGNS');
   // I've put SQL text because FDQuery1 must me active and SQL text must be 
   // included
   FDQuery1.SQL.Text:='SELECT 1';
   FDQuery1.Active:= true;
   // the following line of code, is supposed to copy data and structure
// it seems from showmessage that records exist inside TFDQuery
// when I execute the following query, it tells that such table does not 
// exist


  • A case of the blind leading the blind, I'm still trying to figure this out myself, but I think you need to use a TFDLocalSQL as conduit between your TFDMemTable and TFDQuery. For more info, try