Hoping you are doing well, I am trying to create a simple CRUD using Retrofit, Dagger etc ..
I created my ApiComponent :
@Component(modules = {ApiModule.class})
public interface ContractApiComponent {
public void inject(ContractsListViewModel contractListViewModel);
public void inject(ContractService contractService);
I rebuilded my project many times.
I tried after to call the Dagger Component in my Service but it is not been suggested:
public class ContractService {
public static ContractService instance;
public ContractApi api;
public ContractService(){
This is my ApiModule :
public class ApiModule {
public static String BASE_URL = "http://localhost/newconceptsphp";
public ContractApi provideContractApi(){
return new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BASE_URL)
I was typing Dagger, my DaggerContractApiCompnent
has been suggested, it means it is known by the system, then I tried to run my project finally and suddenly it turned red, my dagger no longer known in my editor.
I am trying to rebuild and rebuild and nothing seems to solve the problem.
Any help would be much appreciated if you faced this before.
it is normal, you are missing a method in your ApiModule, returning the service with a Provides annotations.
@Module public class ApiModule {
public static String BASE_URL = "http://localhost/newconceptsphp";
public ContractApi provideContractApi(){
return new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BASE_URL)
public ContractService provideContractService(){
return ContractService.getInstance();
Add it and I think it is gonna work.