I want to make the code run only after ffmpeg has finished rendering the videos. Currently, the code runs faster than the videos can render.
videos.forEach((vid, i) => {
.outputOptions(['-r 30', '-filter:v scale=w=720:h=1280', '-crf 20'])
.on('end', ()=> console.log(`Video ${i} rendered`));
console.log("Fully Completed");
The console shows:
Fully Completed
Video 0 rendered
Video 1 rendered
The execution should be opposite. How can I make the code wait for video to finish rendering before continuing?
the code below will help you:
async function processVideos(){
let videos = [vid1.mp4, vid2.mp4, vid3.mp4];
for(vid of videos){
await processVideoSync(vid)
function processVideoSync(vid){
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
.outputOptions(['-r 30', '-filter:v scale=w=720:h=1280', '-crf 20'])
.on('end', ()=>{
console.log(`Video ${i} rendered`)
return resolve()
return reject(err)
o loop for of
é o unico capaz de esperar o async await