So what I'm doing is that when someone clicks on search button it loads carousel's html code via ajax call, which is in another file and places under the <div id="filter_product"></div>
. And it's css and js is linked in file's header and footer where I am making ajax call. I am calling only html of carousel. Let me show you my code
ajax call is
function submit() {
method: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url() ?>public_controller/search_product",
data: {color:color, year:year, cat:cat, brand:brand, model:model},
success: function(data){
controller code is
public function search_product(){
$data['cat'] = $this->input->post('cat');
$data = $this->load->view('public/result_product',$data,TRUE);
echo $data;}
If i don't call carousel code via ajax call and simply place that in index.php it is working fine. but when i call code via ajax call then it's js file is not working and display is scrambled but html is loading fine. is there any way to solve this. thanks in advance
Function name submit is reserved. You can't use it. Try to rename it.
Suggestion: in PHP method you don't need to echo and base_url() you can use in the next way
public function search_product(){
$data['cat'] = $this->input->post('cat');
url: "<?= base_url('public_controller/search_product') ?>",
Put line $('#filter_product').owlCarousel();
after $('#filter_product').html(data);
in your AJAX request success function.