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HowTo Nest ViewPager2 within a fragment

I am trying to put a ViewPager2 with 2 tabs(2 fragments) within my main fragment.

My fragment class extends Fragment and I need it to contain a ViewPager2 with fragments implemented inside.
I couldn't find guides explaining this clearly on the web as all of them are being implemented within classes extending FragmentActivity and not Fragment.

For example:


  • ViewPager2 is an improved version of the ViewPager library that offers enhanced functionality and addresses common difficulties with using ViewPager.
    Such implementations for nesting a ViewPager2 within a fragment are missing on the web as Android Developer guide shows an implementation within activity.

    1) Your main fragment layout must have a ViewPager2 added to its XML file as follows:

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
    <!-- Tabs widget can be removed if you don't need tabs on top of pager-->
            android:layout_below="@+id/tabs" />

    2) The next step is to prepare our FragmentStateAdapter to set it as the ViewPager2 adapter:

    public class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentStateAdapter {
        private final Fragment[] mFragments = new Fragment[] {//Initialize fragments views
    //Fragment views are initialized like any other fragment (Extending Fragment)
                    new FirstPagerFrag(),//First fragment to be displayed within the pager tab number 1
                    new SecondPagerFrag(),
            public final String[] mFragmentNames = new String[] {//Tabs names array
                    "First Tab",
            public ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentActivity fa){//Pager constructor receives Activity instance
        public int getItemCount() {
            return mFragments.length;//Number of fragments displayed
        public long getItemId(int position) {
            return super.getItemId(position);
        public Fragment createFragment(int position) {
            return mFragments[position];

    3) Attaching the adapter to ViewPager2 This part is implemented within our fragment that contains the ViewPager2:

    private ViewPager2 mViewPager;
        public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
        mViewPager = view.findViewById(;//Get ViewPager2 view
        mViewPager.setAdapter(new ViewPagerAdapter(getActivity()));//Attach the adapter with our ViewPagerAdapter passing the host activity
        TabLayout tabLayout = view.findViewById(;
        new TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout, mViewPager,
                new TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy() {
                    public void onConfigureTab(@NonNull TabLayout.Tab tab, int position) {
                        tab.setText(((ViewPagerAdapter)(mViewPager.getAdapter())).mFragmentNames[position]);//Sets tabs names as mentioned in ViewPagerAdapter fragmentNames array, this can be implemented in many different ways.