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Parse JSON from CURL output using python

I am trying to get value of id i.e. "id": 59 which is in the curl output in form of json. Below is the curl output in json:

[{"id":59,"description":"This is a demo project","name":"Demo_Project","name_with_namespace":"sam / Demo_Project","path":"demo_project","path_with_namespace":"sam/demo_project","created_at":"2020-03-02T08:43:13.664Z","default_branch":"master","tag_list":[],"ssh_url_to_repo":"ssh://[email protected]:2222/sam/demo_project.git","http_url_to_repo":"","web_url":"","readme_url":"","avatar_url":null,"star_count":0,"forks_count":0,"last_activity_at":"2020-04-09T09:28:09.860Z","namespace":{"id":2259,"name":"sam","path":"sam","kind":"user","full_path":"sam","parent_id":null,"avatar_url":"\u0026d=identicon","web_url":""}}]

I am using python to parse the json and get the value of id. I have tried the following command to do the same but got an error.

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9999ayayayar66" "" | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["id"])'



Can anyone help me the correct python command to get the value of id. Thanks in advance.


  • The JSON contains an array of objects but you are treating it like it is a single object:

    import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["id"])

    You're basically saying "here is a collection of objects, give me the ID of the object". It doesn't make sense.

    If you assume you only ever want the ID of the first object in the array, you can use this:

    import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)[0]["id"])