I have string like
String stringUrl = ["url1", "url2", "url3"];
Now i removed square brackets
String urls = stringUrl.replace("[","").replace("]","");
Now i split the sting
String[] urlsArray = urls.split(",");
Now i write this code
for (String url : urlsArray) {
imagesList.add(new ImageHomeworkModel(url, "Name"));
Now in Image homework adapter i write this
ImageHomeworkModel product = imagesList.get(position);
Now the problem is picasso is loading only first url of splitted sting please help me to find solution fastly
Misket that I was doing that is I was sending only last index of array Now, I am sending all stings one by one
for (i = 0; i < urlsArray.length; i++) {
imagesList.add(new ImageHomeworkModel(urlsArray[i], fileName));