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How to accelerate the operation including intersection and union of sets under the loops in python

judge = [[0,3,5], [1,2,4],       [1,5,6], [],..., []]
a     = [[1,2],   [2,3,4,5,7,9], [1,4,5], [],..., []]
# len(judge) == len(a)

res_intersect = []
for i in range(len(a)):
    for j in range(i+1,len(a)):
        if len(set(judge[i])&set(judge[j])) != 0:


a and judge have the same lenth, and both far greater than 10000. I need to do this operations with different a and judge Hundreds of times, while i find numba cannot support set(), how to accelerate this? Thanks in advance!


    1. Convert the contents of your input lists to sets up front and save a lot of time
    2. Use isdisjoint to test overlap without making a temporary set unnecessarily
    3. Use itertools.combinations to simplify your nested loop

    With all changes:

    judge = [[0,3,5], [1,2,4],       [1,5,6], [],..., []]
    a     = [[1,2],   [2,3,4,5,7,9], [1,4,5], [],..., []]
    # len(judge) == len(a)
    res_intersect = []
    for (j1, a1), (j2, a2) in itertools.combinations(zip(map(set, judge), map(set, a)), 2)):
        if not j1.isdisjoint(j2):
            res_intersect.append(a1 & a2)

    Probably doesn't benefit from numba, but it should dramatically reduce overhead by avoiding an absolute ton of temporary sets.