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Pandas install or import in IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26

I have installed the latest version of IBM SPSS Statistics(Version 26) which has pre installed python 3.4 and 2.7. i am trying to use version 3.4 python. i am able to import modules like pip , sys , os etc. i tried pandas the same way. i am unable to do so. getting error no module found. Hence going through our forum and IBM support did the following changes.

received the following error

enter image description here1) tried pointing the site-packages via

import sys
# Assuming windows and standard python folder here.

2) changed the path in the settings of SPSS

settings in SPSS

3) Tried installing pip in the below folder as suggested in the forum but got message i have already installed the updated version.

C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\Subscription\Python3

4) following versions of python were installed

enter image description here

have tried what i could. Need your expertise help to fix the same which will help me to install/use modules needed for SPSS. Thanks.


  • Fixed it since my ananconda had version 3.7 .i created virtual environment and installed 2.7 python with anaconda package. Pointed SPSS to the 2.7 folder and was able to import pandas.