i want to search for specific file inside a Folder but not in the subfolder of this folder. Following Structure is given:
Now i am searching all txt files in Folder A like this:
sub GetFiles()
my @DIRS = (FolderA);
find ( \&searchFiles, @DIRS );
for my $myfile (%MYFILES) {
####do something with the files###
sub searchFiles()
return unless /\.txt/;
return unless -f $File::Find::name;
$MYFILES{$File::Find::name} = {'NAME'=> $File::Find::name }
The Code looks good to me but I always get all .txt Files, even those from Subfolder. Actual result is like this:
File1.txt File2.txt File3.txt File5.txt
But I want only
File3.txt File5.txt
Where did I the mistake?
You could use File::Find.
use File::Find qw( find );
my @dir_qfns = qw( FolderA );
sub {
# Don't do anything for a base dir.
return if $_ eq '.';
# Don't recurse.
$File::Find::prune = 1;
or do {
warn("Skipping \"$_\": Can't stat: $!\n");
-f _
or return;
or return;
# ... do something with $File::Find::name/$_ ...
It's far simpler with File::Find::Rule. (Isn't it always?)
use File::Find::Rule qw( );
my @dir_qfns = qw( FolderA );
for my $qfn (
) {
# ... do something with $qfn ...
You could also do it using glob
my @dir_qfns = qw( FolderA );
for my $dir_qfn (@dir_qfns) {
for my $fn (glob("\Q$dir_qfn\E/*.txt")) {
my $qfn = "$dir_qfn/$fn";
or do {
warn("Skipping \"$qfn\": Can't stat: $!\n");
-f _
or next;
# ... do something with $fn/$qfn ...
(Note that using quotemeta
(e.g. via \Q..\E
as shown above) is not a proper way of generating a glob pattern from a directory name on Windows.)