I am trying to read a text file using Dynamics AX. However, the following code replaces any spaces in the lines with commas:
// Open file for read access
myFile = new TextIo(fileName , 'R');
fileRecord = myFile.read();
while (fileRecord)
line = con2str(fileRecord);
I have tried various combinations of the above code, including specifying a blank ''
field delimiter, but with the same behaviour.
The following code works, but seems like there should be a better way to do this:
// Open file for read access
myFile = new TextIo(fileName , 'R');
fileRecord = myFile.read();
while (fileRecord)
line = con2str(fileRecord);
The format of the file is field format. For example:
So what I end up with unless I use the workaround above is something like:
The underlying problem here is that I have mixed input formats. Some of the files just have line feeds {LF}
and others have {CR}{LF}
. Using my workaround above seems to work for both. Is there a way to deal with both, or to strip \r
from the file?
Con2Str will retrieve a list of values from a container and by default uses comma (,)
to separate the values.
client server public static str Con2Str(container c, [str sep])
If no value for the sep
parameter is specified, the comma character will be inserted between elements in the returned string.
If you would like the space to be the default separator, you can pass space as the second parameter to the method Con2Str
One other option is that you can also loop through the container fileRecord
to fetch the individual elements.
Below code snippet loads the file contents into textbuffer and replace the carriage returns (\r
) with new line (\n
) character. The condition if (strlen(line) > 1)
will help to skip empty strings due to the possible occurrence of consecutive newline characters.
TextBuffer textBuffer;
str textString;
str clearText;
int newLinePos;
str line;
str field1;
str field2;
str field3;
counter row;
textBuffer = new TextBuffer();
textString = textBuffer.getText();
clearText = strreplace(textString, '\r', '\n');
row = 0;
while (strlen(clearText) > 0 )
newLinePos = strfind(clearText, '\n', 1, strlen(clearText));
line = (newLinePos == 0 ? clearText : substr(clearText, 1, newLinePos));
if (strlen(line) > 1)
field1 = substr(line, 1, 14);
field2 = substr(line, 15, 12);
field3 = substr(line, 27, 10);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 1: ' + field1);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 2: ' + field2);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 3: ' + field3);
clearText = (newLinePos == 0 ? '' : substr(clearText, newLinePos + 1, strlen(clearText) - newLinePos));
You could use File macro instead of hard coding the values \r\n
and R
that denotes the read mode.
TextIo inputFile;
container fileRecord;
str line;
str field1;
str field2;
str field3;
counter row;
inputFile = new TextIo(@"c:\temp\Input.txt", 'R');
row = 0;
while (inputFile.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
fileRecord = inputFile.read();
line = con2str(fileRecord);
if (line != '')
field1 = substr(line, 1, 14);
field2 = substr(line, 15, 12);
field3 = substr(line, 27, 10);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 1: ' + field1);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 2: ' + field2);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 3: ' + field3);