Search code examples

Compare Two Arrays That include a Dictionary and an Array

I have the following array that contains a searched product by the user; once searched, the tags of the product is also stored in the searchTags array like below:

searchedTags = [ [product : [tagA, tagB, tagC, tagD, tagH ]] ]

Now I have a array list of all products that contains different tags for each product:

productTagsArray = [ [product1 : [tagA, tagB, tagC, tagD]],
                [product2 : [tagC, tagD, tagE, tagF, tag H]], 
                [product3 : [tagH, tagI, tagJ]],
                [product4 : [tagK, tagL, tagM]],

Now I would like to check and compare the tags from the searched product in searchedTags with each product in productTagsArray. Once compared, I'd like to make a new array of products sorted by the COUNTS of tags matched (high to low) with the searched products. If there are no tags matching I do not want to include them in the new variable. I would like to populate the result of this sorted match like below:

sortedProductsByCount = [[productId : product1, numberOfTagsMatched : 4],
                        [productId : product2, numberOfTagsMatched : 2],
                        [productId : product1, numberOfTagsMatched : 1]

Edit: This is what I have written for when the user click on the search result in tableview:

var productsTagCount: [[String:Any]] = [[:]]

    for tags in searchedProductTags {
        for tag in tags {
            for productArray in productTagsArray {
                for product in productArray {

                    var tagCount: Int = 0

                    for productTag in product.value {
                        if productTag == tag {
                            tagCount = tagCount + 1

                    let data: [String : Any] = [
                        "productId": product.key,
                        "tagCount": tagCount



Is there a better way? How can I accomplish the sortedProductByCount array?


  • Here is how I fixed it. Had to change my codes quite a bit.

    var productTagsArray : [[String : [String]]] = [[:]]
    var productTagCount : [String : Int] = [:]
    var sortedProductTagCount: [Int : [String : Int]] = [:]
    let searchedProductTags = searchResults[indexPath.row].values
        for productArray in productTagsArray {
            for product in productArray {
                let productId: String = product.key
                var tagCount: Int = 0
                for productTag in product.value {
                    for searchedTags in searchedProductTags {
                        for searchedTag in searchedTags {
                            if productTag == searchedTag {
                                tagCount = tagCount + 1
                if tagCount != 0 {                    
                    productTagCount[productId] = tagCount                    
        //Make an array with sorted tagscount
        let sortedProductTagCountVar = productTagCount.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value }
        var productSortIndex: Int = 0
        for (k,v) in sortedProductTagCountVar {
            productSortIndex = productSortIndex + 1
            sortedProductTagCount[productSortIndex, default: [:]][k] = v