So, I recently have had a problem! My C: drive is pretty full. I have the D: drive, and I have a folder there, where I could put my Desktop's files on. I'm running Windows
, specifically Windows 10
. So, what I wanted to ask is - is there a way to NOT copy files from other drives but just move them? I have shortcuts to all of my folders (Files, photos, etc...) which go on my Desktop, but due to low space I have the files on the other drive. It copies the files there instead of moving them.
This question should've gone on superuser lol
The way drives are organized all you can really do is copy a file from one drive to another, then delete the original. You could theoretically have a tool that treats that two-step operation as if it were a simple move, but there's nothing I'm aware of that does that.
You could use symbolic links (like shortcuts, but better for some purposes) to make files on your D: drive behave in many ways as if they were on your C: drive:
mklink [[/d] | [/h] | [/j]] <Link> <Target>