How can I print description of all exceptions? It would be great to toggle the debug/release format.
Standard Servant installation only shows 500/Something went wrong
which isn't really helpful
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Something went wrong
I get the following error reporting my first handler:
Server.hs:152:31: error:
• No instance for (MonadCatch
((:<|>) (Servant.Handler (Map.Map String String))))
arising from a use of ‘catch’
• In the expression:
server `catch` (\ e -> handleExceptions (e :: SomeException))
In an equation for ‘serverWithExceptionsHandled’:
= server `catch` (\ e -> handleExceptions (e :: SomeException))
The handler itself:
type API = "ping" :> Get '[JSON] (Map.Map String String) ...
ping :: Servant.Handler (Map.Map String String)
ping = return $ Map.fromList [("reply", "pong")]
server :: Server API
server = ping
:<|> signup
:<|> singin
:<|> account
:<|> getSessions
serverWithExceptionsHandled = server `catch` (\e -> handleExceptions (e :: SomeException))
-- | print to console and then rethrow
handleExceptions :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m b
handleExceptions e = do
liftIO $ print e
throwM e
app :: Application
app = serveWithContext api ctx serverWithExceptionsHandled
where ctx = checkBasicAuth :. EmptyContext
All server code runs in Handler
which has a MonadCatch
instance as well as a MonadThrow
instance. So you can warp your server code with exception handlers like so:
handled :: Server SomeRoute
handled = server1 `catch` (\e -> handleExceptions (e :: SomeException))
type API = SomeRoute :<|> (other routes)
combined :: Server API
combined = handled :<|> (server code for other routes)
app :: Application
app = serve @API Proxy combined
where handleExceptions
is your exception handler, for example:
-- | print to console and then rethrow
handleExceptions e = do
liftIO $ print e
throwM e
more examples:
ping' = ping `catch` (\e -> handleExceptions (e :: SomeException))
server :: Server API
server = ping'
:<|> signup
:<|> singin
:<|> account
:<|> getSessions