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From minidom/getElementsByTagName to lxml/xpath

I'm trying to parse a lot of different xml/gpx files to get lat/lon pairs that are an attribute of the node trkpt. I have a working minidom version, but i want to try and have a similar version using lxml and xpath to check if it is faster.

Here is sample xml:

xml = '''<gpx xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1" xmlns="">
  <name>Track 1</name>
   <trkpt lat="42.00080" lon="2.79610">
   <trkpt lat="42.99930" lon="2.79010">

This is the minidom version:

from xml.dom import minidom
minitree = minidom.parseString(xml)
trkpt = minitree.getElementsByTagName('trkpt')

for elem in trkpt:
    print(elem.attributes['lat'].value + ', ' + elem.attributes['lon'].value)


42.00080, 2.79610
42.99930, 2.79010

Now trying to replicate the exact same thing I used XMLQuire to learn that the xpath to my desired attributes would be dft:trk/dft:trkseg/dft:trkpt/@lat so i came up with this so far:

lxtree = etree.fromstring(xml)
trkpt = lxtree.xpath('dft:trk/dft:trkseg/dft:trkpt', namespaces={'dft': ''})

for elem in trkpt:
    print(trkpt[@lat] + ', ' + trpkt[@lon])

The output is nothing or rather that my print statement is wrong. But I can't tell because a check with print(type(trkpt), len(trkpt), trkpt) tells me: <class 'list'> 0 [] So the list is empty from the getgo. Can someone help me see the error?


  • Use elem.get() to get the value of an attribute.

    lxtree = etree.fromstring(xml)
    trkpt = lxtree.xpath('dft:trk/dft:trkseg/dft:trkpt', namespaces={'dft': ''})
    for elem in trkpt:
        print(elem.get("lat") + ', ' + elem.get("lon"))


    42.00080, 2.79610
    42.99930, 2.79010