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SML consing a datatype list

If I have this SML datatype

datatype json =
         Num of real
       | String of string
       | False
       | True
       | Null
       | Array of json list
       | Object of (string * json) list

Let's say I have this Array with only one Object which makes it a json list

Array[Object[("a", Num (1.0)),("b", True)]]

how can I cons a new Object onto this existing Array? I've tried a simple :: to no avail

Object[("a", Num (1.0)),("b", True)]::Array[Object[("a", Num (2.0)),("b", True)]]

which gives an error. Do I have to build my own cons for this? It seems the SML list is 'a list which should allow json list and work with ::

Yes, this is a homework assignment from a past semester of Programming Languages at the U. of Washington that I'm doing on my own. This is the assignment.

My basic problem is I don't know how to add to an Array with recursion calls. If I need to generate an Array containing Objects and add a new Object to that starting Array with each recursion call, how would that be done? I've seen examples of Succ or Cons, e.g., a successor constructor, but those just create a recursive, nested object such as

val four = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))

...but this isn't helpful...


  • Array [...] is no a json list, it's a json, and :: can't cons two jsons into a list.

    You need to cons onto the list "inside" the Array:

    Array (Object [("a", Num 1.0)] :: ([Object [("a", Num 2.0)]]))

    You probably want to add a "cons for JSON" function; something like

    fun json_cons o (Array os) = Array (o :: os)
      | json_cons _ _ = ... handle structural error ...

    You can also invent your own binary infix operator, but that's probably a bit on the advanced side for this assignment.