I have run REMOVE_DUPLICATE_VERTICES on a spatial table which contained polygons and multipolygons, now there are 6 geometries tagged as Collection (2004). How can I safely change these back to multipolygons?
Example of one (with shortened coodinate array)
One way to do this would be:
declare wgeom mdsys.sdo_geometry; outgeom mdsys.sdo_geometry;
for i in 1 .. nvl(sdo_util.getNumElem(ingeom) ,0)
wgeom := sdo_util.extract(ingeom, i, 0);
if wgeom.get_gtype() in (3,7) then
outgeom := sdo_util.append(outgeom, wgeom);
end if;
end loop;
It loops through the geometry's elements and for each one that is a polygon appends it to a geometry variable. You can put it in a function which you 'feed' with your geometry (which should be a valid geometry) and it outputs the filtered outgeom
I use this approach because it is easy to put logic in the loop to filter out e.g. elements of under a certain area e.t.c. I use in production, with millions of geometries.
If you need further assistance, let me know.