I have a project with Django as back-end.
And for the client side I have 4 different sections:
The structure that I have in my mind is like this:
├── djangoproject
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── settings.py (can be folder)
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
├── apps
| ├── admin_panel
| ├── core
| ├── auth
| └── ...
├── templates
| ├── admin_panel (react)
| ├── core (react)
| └── auth
├── static
└── manage.py
I have two questions:
1- should I change the structure of my project (for example bring react folders outside or use frontend folder naming instead of templates?)
2- Is it common (or reasonable) to use git sub module for react apps and only commit build of them in main project? If it is can you give any example or best practice?
For the best practices of the project structure, I think you should create a different repository(folder) for front-end(react) outside the back-end repository (folder).
Backend Structure
I follow this project structure:
| |
| |__settings
| | |
| | |__base.py
| | |__local.py
| |
| |__urls.py
| |__wsgi.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |
| |__users (user app dirctory)
| |__products (product app dirctory)
| |__ __init__.py
| |
| |__css
| |__js
Front-End Structure
| |
| |__assests
| | |
| | |__fonts
| | |__images
| |
| |__components
| | |__your components
| |__containers
| | |__Your containers
| |__app.js
For a better understanding of project structure I recommend you follow the Django cookie cutter (https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) for back-end and use react boilerplate (https://www.reactboilerplate.com/) for front-end.