The objective of that was to write a MIPS program that used that algorithm. I did. It works, only it takes about 30 minutes to complete with delta = 1E-2. The C program (compiled with gcc) takes about 1 minute and a half with that delta. I've tried with delta = 1E-3 on the C program but had to abort it after over 2 hours.
I just want to know: is this supposed to happen? The result looks accurate enough to me (3.13909200 with delta = 1E-2). Am I doing something wrong?
I know this algorithm is probably not the most efficient, neither is MIPS, or MARS (which I use for MIPS).
MIPS code:
l_cubo: .double 1.0
delta: .double 1E-2
zero: .double 0.0
dois: .double 2.0
six: .double 6.0
.globl main
la $a0,l_cubo
l.d $f20,0($a0) #l_cubo
la $a0,dois
l.d $f4,0($a0)
div.d $f22,$f20,$f4 #r_esfera
la $a0,delta
l.d $f24,0($a0) #delta
la $a0,zero
l.d $f26,0($a0) #v_cubo ou v_total
l.d $f28,0($a0) #v_esfera
l.d $f4,0($a0) #x
l.d $f6,0($a0) #y
l.d $f8,0($a0) #z
loop_x: $f4,$f20
bc1f end_loop_x
l.d $f6,0($a0)
loop_y: $f6,$f20
bc1f end_loop_y
l.d $f8,0($a0)
loop_z: $f8,$f20
bc1f end_loop_z
add.d $f26,$f26,$f24
mov.d $f12,$f4
mov.d $f14,$f6
mov.d $f30,$f8
jal in_esfera
l.d $f10,0($a0)
beqz $v0,continue
add.d $f28,$f28,$f24
add.d $f8,$f8,$f24
j loop_z
add.d $f6,$f6,$f24
j loop_y
add.d $f4,$f4,$f24
j loop_x
mul.d $f24,$f24,$f24
mul.d $f28,$f28,$f24
mul.d $f26,$f26,$f24
div.d $f28,$f28,$f26
la $a0,six
l.d $f10,0($a0)
mul.d $f28,$f28,$f10
li $v0,3 #
mov.d $f12,$f28 #
syscall # print pi
li $v0,10 #
syscall #exit
.globl in_esfera
sub.d $f12,$f12,$f22
mul.d $f12,$f12,$f12
sub.d $f14,$f14,$f22
mul.d $f14,$f14,$f14
sub.d $f30,$f30,$f22
mul.d $f30,$f30,$f30
add.d $f30,$f12,$f30
add.d $f30,$f14,$f30
mul.d $f16,$f22,$f22
li $v0,0
c.le.d $f30,$f16
bc1f continue2
li $v0,1
jr $ra
I'm just wondering how my professor is going to correct a program that takes 30mins to execute.
I am assuming that this using the same algorithm as the C
version. That approximates a value for Pi by testing a 3D grid of points in a cube to see if they are within a sphere. That is an O(N^3)
computation where N
is the number of units (deltas) in each dimension of the grid.
So ... yes ... it is expected for your MIPS code to take a long time to compute an accurate approximation of Pi.
If l_cubo is 4, and delta is 1/100, then you should be performing 400 x 400 x 400 = 64,000,000 iterations. 30 minutes seems excessive for that.
If l_cubo is 4, and delta is 1/1000, then you should be performing 4000 x 4000 x 4000 = 64,000,000,000 iterations.
But if you want to sanity check it, your MIPs code should be as fast, if not faster than, the C implementation when run on the same hardware with the same parameters. (Note: if you running the MIPS code on a MIPS emulator, you won't be able to do that.)